Stuffed Sweet Potato

Baked Sweet Potato brushed with grape seed oil & stuffed with garlic chick peas, onions, kale & served with our Maple Sunbutter dressing.


Thai Chicken Bowl

A flavorful bowl combining tender chicken with classic Thai spices.


Trout Rainbow Salad

A colorful salad featuring trout with an array of vibrant, fresh vegetables.


Trout Super Food Salad

A superfood salad enriched with fresh trout and a variety of nutritious ingredients.


Veggie Buddha Bowl

Carrots, red cabbage, green onions, organic corn, sweet potatoes on rice noodles, topped with hemp hearts & pepitas with Maple Sunbutter dressing.


Veggie Hummus Wrap Box

GH hummus (sesame-free) with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and spring mix on a whole grain tortilla. Served with Green Heart Apple Maple Vinaigrette. Lunch boxes come with a Baked Good, full serving of Fruit & a Garden Salad.


Veggie Noodle Bowl

Chickpeas tossed in honey sriracha sauce with roasted peppers, zucchini, onions, broccoli, green beans, and egg-kamut noodles.





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